Infrequent ramblings from a 21 year old dutch guy often plagued by severe procrastinatory tendencies. Personal linksDutch blogsEnglish blogs
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Wednesday, July 31, 2002
Eh-heh-heh ...
Friday, July 19thWhoops ! Haven't been writing the last couple of days. Well, everything's fine, I guess. Went to some zoo tuesday, went for some rock-seeing/climbing wednesday, and that's about it. And I finished part II of Lord of the Rings. 's a nice book. Bit ... dry, though ... at times. Noty sure ... but ... well ... stretched out, or something. Some parts that just seem to take hours to read, but don't exactly all that much to the story. Or at least doesn't progress the storyline. Looking back ... "Was that part really necessary ?" ... But, yes, I guess so ...not as much as part of the story, but more in the way to show the sheer vastness of the world, or should I say, "Middle Earth" ? That Mr. J.R.R. Tolkien didn't just think up some nice story. He created, and filled an entire world. (or at least a couple of thousand square miles) With creatures, languages, plants, different cultures, customs, and it all has a history as well ... Upon the current events in the book, he gave it thousands of years of history. ... Hrmmm ... that makes : -Timeline -Dolores Claiborne -LotR : The Two Towers and I've got today, and the trip back left ... Hrmm ... Well, the rock-climbing/sightseeing a couple of days ago was quite something. Pretty much beautiful, but I'm not sure how my legs held out. Actually, that didn't. About 2/3 through the 'route' they started shaking with every step down. And let me tell you, that's very irritating. You pretty much lose your grip to the earth, your 'grounding'. And it's scary, too, going down. But really, every step downwards, I was shaking on my legs .. not that going up was so much better, since I'm not exactly in tip-top shape ... *ahum* .. and pretty much overweight, too. But at least my legs didn't shake going up. But I made it, and I figure the view was wroth it. And some excersie couldn't/can't hurt either. But I was pretty much dehydrated. Drank 1.5 l. shortly afterwards, and nothing 'came out' untill pretty late that evening ... ... That internet-café ... darn, it had weird keyboards. All the "/$&|.;:,\#?-_'`½ " characters had been shuffled across the place, and they switches the "Y" and "Z" keys as well. Also, I wasn't capable to publish anything on my blog at the time, 'cos was having problems. I hope they fixed it before I get back. I'm counting on it, anyway. Also, today, I went through that "samples" CD. 198 songs. Wrote down 60 or so. Together with those other 2 CDs, a few songs from the radio, and antoher couple from CDs my sister brough along, I'm thinking that my playlist is going to increase with about a hundred tracks when I get home ... Here's to KaZaA and a good CD-ripper. (still gotta find one). ... Meh, I suppose 100 tracks may not seem like much, (I know people with over 2000) but I only have about a 110 at the moment myself. It's a lot to me. Sunday, July 21, 2002
Friday, July 12thdammit ! It's 2 am now, and still no sign of 'em. And since I never went on a walkt before here, I can't go out and look for 'em myself. I wouldn't even know in what direction they went. Dammit, something must be wrong by now ... ... I'm just afraid this is going to be one of the worst days/nights of my life ... Egh ... I'm going to just leave that note and get some sleep. If they're not here safe and sound tomorrow morning, I'm going to simply flip. ... What the heck would I do ? I don't speak a word Czech, andlthough I suppose most people here speak some German or English ... .... I'm definatly worried now ... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ! I'm tired, cold and bored. I don't feel like reading any more today, not am I really in the mood to play some game on the Gamecube. Also, I am kinda worried, even though it's not 1 am yet. I think I just want to go and get some sleep. Mom didn't even take her mobile phone with her, because she was going with the entire crew, and if something would go wrong, someone else could go fetch help or whatever ... Hmmm ... better get my mind of it for now. Had/Remembered a dream last night. As usual, it was a weird one (!?) Incoherent ... very incoherent. Elise was in it, at least for the first part anyway. "We" (Myself, Elise, and my olderst sister) were going to see a movie somewhere. (Have no idea who the driver was) And I was kinda semi-anxious because I was going to be sitting next to her on the back seat. ... NO ! Not like that ! Really, nope, nothing to be even close to ashamed for. 't was about sitting, or just being close, or something like that. Nothing "naughty", or whatever. Again, as I said before, I'm pretty much Mr.Innocence. Once in the back of the car I noticed she suddenly had put on some glasses. Really, really strong glasses, that magnified her eyes to about twice their size. (As I said, weird dream, but it gets worse) The movie we were going to watch was "The land before time" (part 'gazzillion') From that point, the dream switched to the movie ... and ... ugh ... not sure how it all went anymore. But it had some mad scientist with some religious zealousy about killing/capturing sp,e dragon in some city, (By laying out a line of an assortiment of seesds and nuts, just for a couple of meters, couldn't be more than 10. No idea how he planned to get that dragon to walk over that all, much less how some seeds would destroy a dragon.), it had some super-strong character from some comic book series (for the dutcies : "Jerom" from "Suske & Wiske"), and somehow the dinosaurs from "The land before time" fitted into it too. As I said, weird dream. ... Dammit ... It's well past 1 am now, and still not sign 'of 'em. Getting kinda more worried now. And I'm still tired. If they're not home soon I'm just going to leave a note and gets ome sleep and hope they'll be around when I wake up tomorrow .. ... *shivers* Read another book today. Dolores Claiborne, by Stephen Kich. My sister brought it along. And, yes, it's a translated version. And it looks funny, they didn't translate any names. (Thank God !), but it does make it look really, really ... uh ... translated ? Meh, anyway, it was a pretty good book. Life-like, or something. I'm not really sure ... *shrugs* ... Anyway, this was about 250 pages. *ka-ching* And I've got more than a week left to read stuff. Oh well .. Hrmmmmm ... Music. For almost the entire day I was palying the same CD. The one with 25 oldies. Growing attached to that CD, I think. ... And some of those songs make me cry. Well, not the listening to 'em, but when I (try to) sing along with 'em, tears jump to my eyes, and it's somewhat ... releasing ? No, not really ... I dunno ... I said before I don't really mind crying. I actually like it sometimes. And I kind of like this. They're not really sad tears, either... *sigh* Well, I guess I can bring it all back to Elise, though. Meh, almost everything concerning love (They're love-songs, after all), I can bring back to her. Just as I can bring back almost my entire 'on-line life' back to Fallout, and a good part of my musical taste as well. ... It's kinda late, nearing 12:30 am, and I'm still home-alone. Rest went out a couple of hours ago. I'm gonna get worried if they're not back by 1 am ... Oh well. ....
Saturday, July 13thRecap : Friday [5:45 am] : They're back ! YAY !! ... They woke me up friday morning to tell me they were home, and safe. It had gotten too ddark on their walk, and they'd walked a bit too far to be able to find the way back in the dark (or heck, it's easy to slip while walking too, and falling down a mountain in the dark isn't too great an option) ... So they spent the night, in the woods, huddled together and being cold. And being worried about me being worried. Poor saps. Heh, anyway, they're back, safe and sound. And I'm leaving for that internet café in a few minute ... YAY !
Wednesday, July 10th*Shivers* I don't like flies. I really dislike flies. I'm close to a "fly-o-phobe". And there's lots outside. And I had to go and hang out the loundry to dry. Outside. Among the flies ... *GAH* You know, the buzzing kind. Egh, dunno if I'm really afraid of 'em. No, I *am* afraid of the nastly little buggers. Not specifically of what they could do, (bite, sting ? fly in my ear ? Whatever ...) ... I just ... egh, if they're buzzing around me, I just ick out. icky, icky, icky ! WAAAAAAAH ! ... I don't think my reaction to these bastages used to be as strong some years ago. I never *liked* 'em, but who does ? ... Maybe ti's just the sheer volume of 'em here. Or maybe because they're a tad different from home. Egh, I know I'm overreacting ... But I really don't like flies .... Rest of the family is out. To some mountain stuff. ... with a ... cable-thingie ... Ski-lift, but without ski's ? (don't know the word) ... Anyway, I didn't feel like coming along. Speaking of mountains, we're in mountainous area. Lots of going up and down 'round here. And there's 'something' wtrong with one of the tires on our car. Front left wheel is flattening slowly. Probably a leak. Getting stuck with a flat tire in mountainous area, with no good, proper way to communicate with the locals isn't too great a situation to be in. Yeah, sure, we got a spare tire. But it's one of those 'Fits all'-tires. A bit thin, and all. Also not ideal in this area, nor is it idrea to drive anoter 1100 km back with ... Hmmmm ... I'm running (writing ?) behind on 'schedule. Yesterday I wrote about how I fixed the gamecube monday evening, and today (now) I'm writing about yesterday (Tuesday). Not that it all really matters that much, though ... Heh, anyway... I've been reading some magazines here. Don't know if they're from this place, or if my mom brought 'em along, but I don't care. Magazines for woman, young mothers, actually. For those with young children, or who are pregnent, or whatever... (There's a couple of different ones) ... Well, it definatly re-ignited my desire to because a father. I'm a almost meling away in some puddle of blissfull goo reading it ... and well ... *smiles*. ... dammit, I want kids ... *smiles some more* ... *melts into a puddle of blissfull goo again* ... Heh, it's funny, I guess. Thinking about pregnance and stuff makes me geel fina ... left out, though ... Almost makes me wish I were female ... I mean sure, PMS sucks, and I'm sure childbirth's painfull as hell... But still, I think the miracle of 'growing' a child inside yourself, the unconditional love and connection you feel with it ... Well, I think it'd be worth it. And I'm going to miss out on that. Heck, sure, men can feel that connection and love and all too, I guess, but I doubt it'd ever come as easy, and never as close and strong ... Oh well ... Just for the record : I'm not considering having a sex-change. For all that could do, it could never give me those things I just described above. And I have no real desire to be a woman in other ways ... Or maybe I do ... I do believe women are the fairer sex. More emotional, more ... whatever. Egh, ... but as I said, no sex-change operations for me. It can change your outsie, but not the inside, not the real inside anyway. Where it counts ... But even if, if, it was possible in some way, I should doubt it'd do it. I'm a man, not especially proud of it, but it's what I am, and I'm happy with it ... Hmmmmm ... back to children ... I love children ... I'd rather become a father Even though it probably will take 5 years, if not 10, or 15... Oh well ...
Tuesday, July 9thI am sooooo l33t !!!!1111 I actually did it. I got the Gamecube to work on the TV here. Eh-heh-heh ... *grins mischievously* And it wasn't easy, either. The problem was with the TV. I couldn't set it to show the 'external' input channel (SCART-cable port). The remote didn't work (I suspect it to be a replacement one, only the 'normal' controls on it work, and some others react strangely). It's hooked to a satalite reciever, whihc outputs it's signal through the 'normal' RF cable/port, and also possibly through the SCART-port. Now, I remembered that you can give 'commands' to a TV through a SCART cable, (saying something like : "Hey ! I'm sending a signal here, LOOK AT ME! SHOW ME ! MEEEEE!!!!! ") So I thougt, that maybe I could put the Gamecube signal through the satalite reciever, have the sat. reciever tell the TV to show his signal, and thus get it on screen. AFTER EDIT : So : Signal Gamecube -> Sat. Reciever -> TV Unfortuneatly, we didn't have a SCART-cable. But we bought one yesterday. Unfortuneatly, that didn't work either, as it seemed the sat. reciever doesn't accept any incoming signals, or at least, doesn't forward to any other devices. (Except from the satalite dish, ofcourse). I did, however, get the TV to show it's external channel, even though the only thing that could be seen on it was the satalite. Talking out and switching plugs (Take out the sat->TV scart, and plug in the Gamecube plug in the scart-port) didn't help, for as soon as the plug got janked out, the TV stopped 'looking' at the external channel/port. ... Bored yet ? ... Well, anyway, with some inspired creativeness and a little help from the sat. reciever user manual, I found the 'pin' in the SCART-plug that tells the TV to 'look at it', openened the plug, removed that pin, opened the Gamecube plug, inserted it there, and closed it all again. STATUS : one SCART-cable with one plug messed up beyond repair, one Gamecube plug with an extra pin. These two tied to eachother, it worked ! With the Gamecube sending it's audio/image information to the TV, the sat.reciever telling the TV, "look at me" (through the extra pin in the Gamecube plug), making the TV look at the Gamecube plug, and thus showint it on-screen. I R0X0RED IT'S S0X0RS !!111 ... All in all, I'm pretty proud of myself. Heck, I suppose other people could've gotten it to work, but not too many. And I never did anything like this myself before ... so ... Egh, I guess this must've been a very boring read if you don't quite get waht it's about, just monday's entry, ... My apologies. In other news, I found an "Internet Café" yesterday while shopping. So, witha little luck, I might be able to post these entries on-line before I get home. And check up on some people and palces, check my e-mail ... Whoo ! I might just survive therse two weeks ... Sheesh, I'm an addict, I really, really am ... Oh well ..
Monday, July 8thBy ye Gods ! I read a lot yesterday, and I mean a lot. Finished Timeline. 489 pages, skimming the first 135, and reading ... well, the rest. Three-hundred-and-fifty farn pages. *gasp*. Only two books left to read ... Going to have to cut down. Timeline was pretty good, even though my disagreement with the technology//timetravel ideas conflicint with my own. Heh, I don't think it'll make it into my top 5 or 10 books ever, but it's a pleasant read anyway. If done properly, it would make a kick-ass movei. And since it's a Michael Crichton book, there's a reasonable change one will be made some day, too.
Sunday, July 7thStarted reading Timeline today. Spent 'bout an hour skimming the first 100 pages, to refresh my memory. The "time-machine" used there works on quantum-technology, and quite some background informattion about it is explained to the reader. Well, as far as current theories are concerned. The actual workings of the company's tech isn't, ofcourse, but some these basics are explained. And, somehow, I'm shocked, and in the same way something just doesn't seem right. It's not really the cause-effect system that simply doesn't 'work' when concerned in quantum-mechanics, but more the idea of the existance of nearly/almost similiar universes. Known as the 'Multiverse'. As far as I am capable of judging, the "multiverse"-theory states that every possible state of the universe exists, at the same 'time', next to each other. That time is but an illusion, and thus that the past actually exists 'somewhere', and so does the now. And every 'now' an infinite amount of new universes are are created, containing every possible "time-step". And each one of those infinite universes spawn another infinite amount of new-new universes the next "timestep" ... So the amount of of universes out there is exponentional. "infinite to the power of infinite" ... ¥^¥. ... Something like that. It's also said in Quantum theory that everything influences everything. Particles interact instantanious with each other, and 'place' is no factor in it. It doesn't matter where, right next to it, a few meters apart, in another town, another planet, another solar system, or even another galaxy, normally seperated by many, many lightyears. No 'time' is needed. Still, I'm not convinced about the existance of 'similar' universes. A universe/reality that's basicly the same, but differs in small things. Where you woke up this morning a few minutes earlier, or where you did/did not brush your teeth. Or more different in bigger things, such as Hitler winning the second World War. AFTER-EDIT : The basic 'sci-fi' version of parallel universes. According to my view on existance, everything 'just is' : It is as it is, and unchangeable as such. You can't 'change' the future, as this 'change' is already incorporated in that 'future'. Things are as they are, were as they were, and will be as they will be. And that simply because everything influences everything. With everything connected, how can you get more than one possible 'outcome' ? I'm accusing scientists of confusing 'unpredictable' with 'random'. Simply because it's impossible to predict something, doesn't mean it's random. I'm not too opposed against the existance of 'every' possible universe, I'm mostly just saying that all those 'often-used-as-examples-universes' are impossible, and thus don't exist either. ... Egh ... Then again, what do I know ? ... getting tired of this now. And I don't think I'm making too muhc sense, and probably kinda ... difficult to follow, 'cos I kinda suck as explaining all this, and I don't even know too much about it either. ...*yawn* ...
Awright, here's what I wrote on :
Saturday, July 6thDang, I'm addicted. Don't know how long it's going to last though ... This place ... Well, it's pretty cool. Nothing too spectacular about it, except that it looks brand-spanking new. In a way, it is. Was recently rebuilt to fit a "western-europe" style, or whatever ... *shrugs* ... And it's pretty cool in the temperature sense as well. At least downstairs. I' not too happy about 'outside' though ... Landscape's beautiful, but ... well, there' a million-gazillion flies outside. All kinds, including stinging ones. Don't think I'll be getting out much. Heh ... I'm kinda bummed at the TV though. For some reason, I can't set it to show whatever is inputted through the the SCART-cable port on the back. I suspect the remote may be broken. Guess we won't be able to play on the Gamecube these two weeks either ... well, maybe I' ll fiddle with the thing some more, I'm not giving up this easily. On the bright side, maybe I'll get to read some more this way ... In other good news, I found some CD's here. CD's with old music. Oldies. 2 'normal' ones, and one with short fragments of a bleeding 198(!) songs. And I found out I know/recall quite a few of ' em. And they're good. I'm quite excited to finally be able to put names to all those unsorted songs dating back to childhood memories. And I want ' em in full ... So one of these days, I'm going to sit down and copy the Titles/authors of those songs I want to have myself ... ... purely for MP3 downloading purposes, ofcourse ... *grins* ... (I already feel sorry for my poor hand, going to copy all taht stuff ...) Talking about old songs, it seems like it's about all that's being broadcasted on the local radio stations. At least, I haven't heard any recent hits ever since about half-way through the trip. Old songs are good. Not going to havea music shortage here. Eh, it's getting late, and I'm tired. Going to get myself some shut-eye. Our trip. It was fine, I guess. We arrived, anyway. We left last (uh... July 5th) friday evening. 8:30 pm. Too late, according to schedule. 'cos we had to be at some place in belgium before 10pm, and the trip usually takes 1:45 hours:minutes, without traffic problems. Poor mom was all stressed out before we left, and for, at least, the first hour of the trip. But we made it, with 5 minutes left on the clock. We spent the night there, (not exactly restfull, at least for me. HAd some allergies acting up. Shortness of breath, wheezing, sneezing and coughing. I moved my sleeping place, but it wasn't untill about 2 am till the effects wore off and I dozed off into sleepy-time land.) Alarm clock went at 4:00 am, and we were up and on our way to Chez at 4:40. Didn't encounter too many problems on the, in total, about 1100 km trip. Landscape was, for nearly the entire trip, and contrary to expectation, quite a sight. Finally arrived at about 6 pm today ... 't was a long trip ... Whoa, hey !? what's this ? Well, I guess I just missed my blog too much. I suppose I might've been inspired to doing this when Elise mentioned that she (always ?) takes a writing block with her on vacation. Not something I ever did before. Never considered myself a writer or something like that. Elise is a pretty good writer though. Maybe I should say great, but I actually haven't read all that of her writings. It's almost completely limited to what she writes on her blog. (non-dutchies probably shouldn' t bother, only 10% of her entries are in english) ... But she's got talent, anway. ... Egh, I love her ... I really do ... eh ... oh well. So anyway, I'm writing now. It' not going to appear online till I get back, ofcourse, and I have no idea how often I'm going to write in this off-line//real-life (b)log. Now just hope I can read my own handwriting, and feel up to typing it all over. *cringes in advance*
Well, I'm back !
Saturday, July 13, 2002
Woohoo ! Guess what !? ... I found an internet café over here. So here's an in-between update.
Friday, July 05, 2002
Well, I guess this is about it. We're leaving in a couple of hours.
Thursday, July 04, 2002
Books !
Well, I'm feeling a bit better now. Still not really, though. I'm at college now, first time in almost 2 weeks. And probably last time for another couple of months.