Gerko's Weblog

Vacuum cleaners suck because they blow

Wednesday, February 26, 2003


Oh, fudge !
I just broke my chair. It went *KER-ACK* .... oooops.
So, I'm off ! Buying a new one. A proper one, this time. My aunt gave me (or will give me) money to buy a proper one for my last birthday. Or was that my 18th birthday ? I don't really remember. Ah well ... *goes off, chair-hunting*

On another note, I got up at 9 am today. Hurray for me !

Saturday, February 22, 2003


Oh, hey, and there's this movie I hope to watch tonight. I think it's kinda going to suck, but I just read the written version of it a little while ago, in that Stephen King bundle. "The Night Flyer" ... (speaking of which, I should get started on reading more) .... Anyway, while reading it, I already imagined most of it quite visually, and wondered how it would look with visuals ... I didn't know there was a movie of it, so I was pleasantly surprised when I found it's on the telly tonight. Will check it out. Not having any high hopes, but it's always fun to see writing converted to film, even though it's often done in a sucky matter. And did I mention before that my sister is a Stephen King fan ? Well, she is ... so when I found that movie in the TV guide, before I even considered watching it myself, I called her to alert her of it.

.... Ah well, just found out that the train I was planning to take is the one that never goes at that time. It's horrible .. I always want that train, but it never goes ... So I have some 45 minutes left to burn here, instead of just 10 ... mmmm ... what to do, what to do ?

Oh, and I updated some links to blogs. I added Ian to the list (hope he doesn't mind), and I updated Elise's blog name, too. A bit overdue, since she changed it from "~ elise online~" to "~ Murmúrios ~" last summer already. Oops ... Hmmm .... I tried renaming 'em all to just the owner's names, but that looked ugly ...


Dang, writing down those dreams is taking me more time than I thought. I was planning to write 'em all out today, but I guess that's not going to happen. I have some really short drafts done for all of 'em written down, though, so I won't forget 'em.

Also, I'm heading home-home tonight. I may have some time to write down one or two more once I get there, but probably not. They'll be delayed till sunday, or later. But I'll get 'em on here, eventually. That's a promise. Mmmm ... Don't remember my dreams of the past two days, slipped straight from my mind when I woke up. Too bad, since dreams are cool. But I still think I'm on a roll, remembering a lot of 'em lately. It's the good stuff ... *g*

I managed to complete one dream. It's not too gracefully written, but ... pleh.

Re-animator 4

I was standing in line with a group of people, near some small stone gate, leading to a larger area with a castle behind it. It was an old thing, half in ruins due to the test of time, and I looked around it a bit, because the line wasn't moving up. Directly on the right side of the gate were some remains of a former small tower.

For some reason, I had the idea, no, I knew, that this was a lesbian (soft-)porn movie ... Not that this was a set, or that people were acting here, or any cameras or anything. And it wasn't that I was looking at it, either, because I was definatly 'there'. But then, the title of the movie appeared in view, in red letters. Re-animator 4 ... This seemed weird to me, because I figured it to contain 'clean' porn, not the 'horror'-kind. (Re-animator is some horror classic. Quite a lot of gore, and cheesy.) I didn't get too long to wonder about that, though. The 'plot' started up. There was a young attractive woman, with long, somewhat curly blonde hair, dressed mostly in black leather. And I was supposed to catch her, or at least chase her around the place. By now, the visuals dumbed down a bit, as well as the rules of physics. So I ran after her, into the garden, towards the castle. (I knew she was going to be in one of the upcoming sex scenes, but I don't think that was the reason I was chasing her around.) The surroundings reminded me a bit of the garden/castle from Super Mario 64, only more ... 'real'. Eventually, we ended up on the castle's roof. (With the aid of jumps and grappling hooks. Not too clear) She jumped down the chimney, and I jumped after her, holding my feet to the opposite corners of the chimney to slow my descent. Visual details had improved again, and at the bottom of my descent, I found myself at the ruins of the tower/gate from the start of the movie, only now without people. (Which is utter nonsense, since that place was some hundred meters or more removed from the castle itself.) The woman was already running towards the castle again, and I was about to continue the pursuit, but I woke up ...

I'm still oblivious as to what happened to the porn, or what the heck any of it had to do with the title. But hey, I'm not complaining. It was quite entertaining.

Friday, February 21, 2003



... bastages, this'd better show up.

Oh, and I should really gets started on those dreams. Got an extra bunch already, even though I didn't remember tonight's.

Sunday, February 16, 2003


~sigh~ again.

Or still.
Bleagh. Today wasn't any fun, either ... Oh, I don't know. I shouldn't be complaining, but I am, anyway. I'm just feeling down. And I don't even really know why. Maybe it's a bit of lonelyness, maybe it's some bits of concern, maybe it's just boredom. Or maybe, maybe, I've just been thinking too much. I don't know. It shouldn't be boredom, because I did enough stuff the last two days. .... I'm just down ... I feel like putting on some sappy movie and cry. ... ~sigh~ ... heck, forget the movie. I'm not up for another 1½+ attention span to something. (Already watched two movies today, and I'm tired, mentally)

Haven't been able to go on-line that much last two days, either. But now that I'm on-line right now, there doesn't seem to be anything going on here, either. Well, I knew that, already. Managed to sneak in some 5 minutes a couple of times to see if there was anything new. Which there wasn't, really ... I suppose that may be part of me being down, too. Not being able to go online and then find out that there's nothing you missed ... That sucks ... .... But, no ... that's not the reason why I'm down. If there'd been stuff, it may 'ave cheered me up a bit, though.

Hrmmmm .... Also, I think I'm a go give up on that "going out" thing. It's bloody useless. I don't enjoy myself, and I'm not really meeting people, either. And it doesn't look like I will be learning to like it, either. ... Oh, sure, I suppose my housemates may be able to drag me along another couple of times ... but ... pleh.


Don't worry too much about me, though, folks. I'll be fine ...
Here's to tomorrow. (again ... )



Ok, got stuff to blog about, but now I'm tired and I'm getting some sleep.
Today's been a long day, and near the end of it all I wanted was to go home, sleep, and skip to tomorrow.
In fact, I think that's what I'm going to do right now, unless my mother and sister bug me too much and make me tell // listen to some late-hour storytelling about tonight.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003


Hah-ah! I am on my way to make it into the annals of time. Isn't that a nifty quote ? ... I think it is. I can already picture it appearing in quote collection books, people's blogs (One down, thousands to go !), forum signatures, bumper stickers ...

Vacuum cleaners suck because they blow
    -G.J. van Nes

Muahahaha ! I am going to be so famous.

... Uh ... right.
Anyway, it appears to be my quote. I searched for it on google, (and for likewise phrases) but nothing turned up. Means it's mine. (w00tness!)

This morning, when I opened my closet to decide what to wear today, for the first time in my life, I felt like I needed new clothes. All my sweaters and shirts and whatnot are all at least a year old, Some even 3. And really, for the first frickin' time in my entire frickin' life, I felt like I should go out and buy some clothes. *gasps*
That urge is all-gone now, but I have a feeling I haven't seen the last of it. Maybe it's finally that independance/maturity thing kicking in. Yes, yes, Gerko's growing up to be a big boy.

Anyway, I remember some bits of my dream this night, too. Looks like I'm on a roll here. ('course, you'll see that once I write down even just one here, I'll stop remembering 'em) And yes, I'm postponing 'em even more. Man, I'm good at this. Hehehe

Oh, and I'm heading home-home now. Taking the train in some 40 minutes or so. Elise is still ill at home, and the antibiotics aren't kicking in. Doc's having her blood tested now. *crosses fingers* ... Been meaning to pay her a visit for a lil' while. So I'm going there tomorrow. And sure, I suppose I could go home tomorrow and visit her on friday instead, (I'm busy saturday) but I think that'd be ... um ... weird. Or whatever. Not that it'd bother me, really but ... pleh.

Tuesday, February 11, 2003


Hrmmmm ...
Laundry folding or late lunch ?
Well, both, obviously.
But "late lunch - laudry folding" or "laundry folding - very late lunch" ?

... *stomach growls*
Right, lunch first.
... *reads package*

Steamed roll
richly filled with
tender pieces of chicken meat
marinated in
a spicy sateh sauce

... Microwave for 40 seconds.

Yup, student food.


Ooh ... Gerko's been a good boy today so far. June's package is on it's way. w00p-w00p. I think it should be there in 2 or 3 weeks. I could've paid some €9,- extra and have it there in 1 or 2 weeks, but I think June'd get mad at me for wasting my money, since she already gave me a stern look when she found out those 'babelaars' were more expensive than she thought they would be. Oh well. Guess she'll have to wait that extra week. I didn't get around to transscribing that letter into a *.txt file anymore, but I do still have the original draft. Don't know if what I blogged about last entry had anything to do with not-copying it, though. I think I was just being lazy.
And while I was out in town anyway, I thought I'd go get my addy fixed as well. I was still registered as living in the house next door. (Baaaaaad Gerko forgot to notify those city people that he moved) But I'm all fixed now. Only one year late. ~whistle~

Oh, and I remember a bit of my dream of this morning, as well. I'll see if I can blog about it later today. (whoa ... déjà vu) And I'll add in yesterday's dream too, if I get around to it.

But first, I'm going out again to buy some groceries. Food supply is running low, and I'm almost out of my precious soda water, too. (Only 4 bottles left. Hehehe ) ... Also, I have some laundry to fold. Not very interesting, but ... Oh well.

Monday, February 10, 2003


Oops. Sorry for the delay again. I had planned to write an entry yesterday, but I was pretty much busy all day. Well, from the moment I woke up, that is. Somewhere past 2 pm. But don't judge me too harsly, I had something of a party the night before. The girlfriend of one of my housemates was having a housewarming party, followed by a 'going out' into town later. It was "okay", as usual. Mostly just sitting/standing around doing nothing on my part, as usual. I'm starting to think I'll never get used to going out and 'having a good time'. Not that I really mind, though. Had four beer, got home around 4 am, and was asleep around 5.

So, yesterday, I was busy writing June's letter. It's about half a year late, but I finally managed to write something down. I think I'll mail it tomorrow. Don't think I can make it on time today, since I still have to burn her a CD and figure out how to fill up the box I'm shipping it in. That will take some time, and I only have about two hours left until the postal office closes. (And ofcourse, spending time writing on my blog isn't helping any with that timetable, either.) Anyway, I'm a bit proud of my letter. Oh, it's nothing overly fancy or anything. Actually, I think it's kinda plain. But it's my first letter, ever, and that deserves some pride, I guess ... I'm thinking about typing it over in notepad and keeping a *.txt version of it on my PC. I don't know ... I kinda wanna hold on to it, yet I think that it's not really the right thing to do with a letter. I mean ... I 'unno. Aren't letters supposed to be 'gifts', in a way ? Something you give away ? Instead of just sharing ? ... There's a difference there ... Somewhere ...

Oh, and I remember my dream from this morning. Been a while since I remembered something so clearly. I'll see if I can blog about it later today. First, I'm a go eat some (late) lunch, (Guess I skipped breakfast completely) and then start cranking on that CD.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003


Agh ! What's happening to me ? ... My mind ! My precious innocence ! I'm losing it ... It's been going for quite a while already, and I thought it'd be a good thing ... but ... Look what it just did ! .. it's horrible ! ... Horrendous ! This is bad, this is really, really bad.

[Updating Mental Vocabulary]
[retrieving original entry]
[appending new definition]

white stuff

  1. A viscous whitish secretion of the male reproductive organs, containing spermatozoa and consisting of secretions of the testes, seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands.
(Thank you,

It just popped in my mind while reading over my previous entries ... I am so sorry ...
*laughs out loud*
No, really, I am ... sorrry ... Ah-hah-hah ... ooooooh ... BAAAAAAAAAAAD Gerko.
OMG. ... *lol* ... sowwy, sowwy, sowwy ...


Ooooh ... pretty stars.
Pretty, shiny stars. Oh, beautiful pretty shiny stars !

*gleefully jumps up and down*

It's all worth it. It's all worth it. ... :D


Argh ! ... These glasses. Horrible.

Well, not really. It's nifty being able to see far away, but I'm having problems seeing up close now. Everything in arm's reach (if not more) takes a second ar so to focus on. I had to push back the screen a bit even because it was annoying me too much. Even if I relax my eyes for a second, close-by thing become fuzzy. THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF HOW THINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO WORK FOR MY POOR BRAIN.

Yeah, seeing things far away is weird, but it's not too bad. Also, things look shinier. 'specially cars. Oooh ... shiny. *g*

And it's horrible as to how quickly you get used to it. Less than 15 minutes after I first put them on, and then took 'em off again, I felt handicapped by not seeing beyond arm's reach. GAWD, I'd better get used to these glasses soon, or I'll have to get some that aren't as strong, or whatever. I don't know. I just know this is annoying.

I am such a cry-baby. I should be happy I can see stuff.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003


Oh, and my mom called a little less than an hour ago. My glasses are ready to be picked up. Going to do that tomorrow or so ...

eep !



Gerko's Weekend of Magical Snow Adventures ! - Part II

Later that saturday, I think somewhere around 10 - 11, my two sisters persuaded me to come take a walk around the snow one last time, since it was going to melt away the next day. (Which it did) So we walked around the park a bit, attempting to keep the younger sister quiet, since it was well past her bedtime. (Mom's not too strict with bedtimes in the weekend) Upon returning home, I became aware of the poor excuse of a snowman my siblings had made and set on the table in our back yard. (I say poor excuse because it's small size. With the amount of snow laying around, it could, no, should have been a lot larger) Being in a somewhat juvenile, puberal mood, I pulled the oldest, most juvenile, puberal, lame trick in the history of snowman mutilation. The ancient "nose replacement" ... most often a carrot, but in this case a small twig. Taking out the nose and putting it back in a place to demonstrate that it is indeed a snowman. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. (If not ... WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM ?) ... But I quickly decided that it was a bit too juvenile, too puberal, and mostly just too lame to leave it like that, and I quickly took away it's expression of virility and stuck it right back in it's ugly head.

Instead of going back inside the house together with my sisters, I felt that I wasn't quite ready with Mr. Snowman there. So I pulled a second, slightly more ambitious, but still pubescent, trick. A sex change. So I started to cut out some breasts. By the time I was done with those, though, the pranking mood had been replaced by an artisitic/creative one, and although the breasts didn't look too bad, the rest of the (now) snowwoman was far too bumpy, and didn't resemble a human at all. Still bare-handed, I started to sculp it into something a bit more aesthetically pleasing. So I stood there, in the dark night scraping off small bits, chopping off larger bits, and flattening some smaller bumps. Some 20 minutes later I was practically done. Just the head remained. It was small and stumpy, but mostly fugly. It wasn't salvageable. It had to go.

I was quite pleased with the end result. Even though it was apparent that she was 8 months pregnant. (But what would you expect from an ex-snowman?) It looked nice ... Well, at least there was no mistaking it for anything but a female torso.

Reactions by my family were a bit varied. My mom thought it kinda silly and was worried about people walking into the yard and seeing it, my oldest sister could appreciate it (being pretty much an artist herself. She got accepted to some Arts Academy. Go liex0r!), unlike my youngest, who mostly complained about me ruining her snowman. Not sure about my brothers, but I don't think they really cared that much. Dad was somewhat amused.

People online whom I've told about it weren't really unanimous in their reaction, either. I had to explain to Bane what I meant with the 'replacing the nose' thing, while June called me a pervert and turned speechless. Doug was mostly interested in the funny look of me fondling with some snowwoman's breasts.

I took a picture with my brother's camera next morning. I'll see if I can scan and upload the image some time.


Before continueing the Magical Snow Adventure, first a mysterious interlude.

Somewhere around 10:34 am, the phone rang. If you look at the timestamp on my last entry, it shouldn't surprise you that I was still in bed. But at first, I didn't think anything of it. I just assumed it'd be my mother. Or possibly my dad. They are, like, they only people who ever call me here, anyway.

But there was no reply on the other end. There were some sounds, but no-one talking to me.

  • First thought : Oh, someone must've called me on his/her celluar by accident. Mom, probably. She did that before.
So I yelled "Hello" a couple of times across the line, hearing some voices in some language I couldn't really make out.
  • Second thought : This isn't my mom !
I thought it sounded a somewhat familiar to the sort-of gibberish my grandfather sprouts out every now and then. (Could have been muffled dutch or english too, I suppose. My hearing skills need updating)
  • Third thought : OMG! Malay !? ... This must be June !
So I yelled "Hello" another bunch of times. Some other voice appeared in the background. A male voice, in slow-spoken english. Probably not a native english speaker, but the pronounciation was proper.
  • Fourth thought : Oh, she must be in class ...
  • Fifth thought : OMG! This is costing her a lot !

I think it lasted about two minutes in total. Being pretty much awake by then, I decided to drag myself out of bed. Slowly. Some five minutes later it hit me that June couldn't have been in class, because she's having her Chinese New Year break. Another 5 minutes later, I decided to call her myself, to check if it really was her.

She said she wasn't ... Now I'm baffled.

June, check your phone history again, will you ? ... 'cos if it really wasn't you ... I don't know anymore. Not too many people who know this number, anyway. And as I said, I'm fairly sure it was from a mobile phone. And there ...

-! New theory : My Dad. The crazy is currently having a busy week over at that Scientology place ... (Hmphf) ... They are known to speak english there. Also, my dad has a mobile phone. Still doesn't explain the other voices, really, and I seriously doubt my father has this number pre-programmed in his celluar. It's a long stretch ...

If it wasn't that either, though ... Well, then this phone call will go down into my personal history as ONE WEIRD THING.


*yawns* ... This is what I get from procastrinating things too much. ("Tomorrow, Tomorrow, there's always Tomorrow", my ass, it already is tomorrow.)
Anyway, this entry was almost done, but I'm too tired to finish it now. So I'm calling it quits for now. The first half is complete, though, so here it is. Come lynch me if part II isn't up 12 hours from now. :

Gerko's Weekend of Magical Snow Adventures - Part I

Ok, maybe not Magical, and not too Adventurous, either. But there's snow, anyway.

So anyway, I headed home friday afternoon. Quite a bit of the snow had melted away already, sadly enough. But this was more then repaid the next day, when snow was blowing all around again, and regained it's 5 or 6 inch layer of white goodness.

But I'm running ahead of myself. For some reasons I'm still not sure of, I decided to go out to the local "soos" friday night. Wasn't too special/interesting, as usual. And I still don't really see the point of it, but it was ok. Better than sitting at home watching TV, I guess. 'sides, I've been telling myself (and have other people tell me) to get out more.

On my way walking there, there was a crystal clear sky. At that point, I really missed my eyesight. I missed seeing the stars. I could only see the brightest ones, and even those were a blur. But, all that should change this week, as I'll be getting some proper glasses. Aside from knowing that this is a Good Thing™, I'm actually a bit scared of all the details I will be able to see again.
I am so used to go around without glasses, that from what little I have managed to pick of of what I should be seeing (and will be seeing once I get those glasses), it scares me. All so sharp ... I'm thinking my mind will overload with the aditional input I'm going to deal with. (On the other hand, it won't have to work as hard on interpreting stuff from the blur it recieves from my eyes)
Not being able to see a lot is actually comforting in some way. Also, there's this bit about getting used to the glasses, and becoming severely handicapped without 'em. I know I will. I'm used to dealing with it now, but I'm afraid that after wearing those glasses for a while, I'll become helpless without 'em. Oh well ... Just another material thing to be dependant on.

But, back to the snow. Saturday morning and early afternoon, it was snowing again, replenishing whatever had melted away the day before. That evening Ganpat invited me out to join in on a snowball fight. A little hesistant, I bravely stepped outside a few minutes later. I didn't join in at all at first, but I managed to throw back some snow later on. It was fun. Also, I was the only one without gloves/mittens. (Well, Elise was without 'em when she showed up at first, but it didn't long for her to pull a disappearing/re-appearing act to put some on once she found out it was a snowfight) Not that it bothered me. Seems like my hands have become immune to cold. I say have become, because I clearly remember (back from elementary school time) that horrible burning feeling of undercooled hands warming up again. But I had none of that. After some time people started to disappear completely, though. First Ganpat and his sister, some time later Erik and company left too, leaving just Elise, her friend, my two brothers and myself. One of the most unintense snowfights ever ensued, in a 2-girl versus 3-boy formation. However, that situation wasn't meant to last forever either, and soon we all retreated back into our nice warm homes.