Monday, August 11, 2003
I can't sleep. It's too darn hot and humid here in my room.
... Also, sorry for not posting anything more ? Fleh.
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
... I wrote my last entry in 20 minutes ?
I must be picking up the pace. I just know that something of that length would have taken me at least an hour or so before I started my blog.
Go Me !
Oh, and my sister found herself a room in Breda, where she's going to the Arts Academy there after the summer.
Congrats, "Liex0r", I'm happy for ya'. Now don't get too excited ... heart attacks are bad. *grin*
I'm not too up-to-date about all the details concerning this one, but it's going to be a new room, and she managed to acquire it by showing her enthusiasm for it. ... My sis, getting something done by acting enthusiastic ? ... Did I fell through a portal and end up in a parallel universe or something ?
She's currently 'housesitting' somewhere for some acquaintances for a couple of weeks, 'practising' a bit for living on her own next year. And taking care of the cats there. Which reminds me, I'm going to have to write about the relationship with that 'acquaintance' some time, too. It's been on my list 'to write about' ever since I started this weblog, but never really got around to it. I believe she's doing pretty well there, though it does get a bit boring all by herself there every now and then. But she has the cats, and quite some books to read. In Breda next year, it should be even less of a problem, considering she'll be busy studying, so I have faith in her pulling it off.
Also, *I* managed. No reason why Alique shouldn't, seeing as she's always been a bit more mature in the 'taking care of my own' business than myself. Well, maybe not right now at the moment, but I have a head start, you see.
Anyway, did I mention that my sis rox0rs ? Hehehe. Well, she does. Don't let anyone (especially herself) convince you otherwise.
*rolls eyes*
New news ?
Not too much, and I'm still not really in the mood for the 20+ page recap.
Heh, well, that's about as much it would take if I wrote about everything in full. Considering I know myself just a little, I can safely state that that won't be happening. Sorry folks.
This morning, I remembered a bit of my dream. It was ... uh, about a swimming pool. Something like that, anyway, it was a bit of a freaky one, with slopes and dives and things all placed a bit oddly, and reminded me a bit of an obstacle course. ... So, anyway, I was there, and I do believe there was some backstory to it as well, but I don't remember any of that. I swam around a bit, but I'm not entirely sure the 'swimming' feeling was really accurate. ... And that, later, reminded me that I haven't been swimming in ages. Really, it's been a few years. Heck, I don't even know if I have any swimming clothes anymore. ... I do seem to remember always enjoying it as a kid. Don't really know when I stopped with the swimming bit. I'll say I do still enjoy it, but ...
Well, I don't know a reason. I could throw up the 'too ashamed to show myself in public' ball, but ... considering I don't give a darn, I sincerely doubt that's the whole reason. I mean, I do realize I'm not a very pretty sight naked, being quite overweight and furry. (Yes, Gerko is a Big Fat Hairy Man with a small [...] .... NEVERMIND ~!). ... Maybe just convenience, I suppose. It's easier just staying home, and just going around the pool by yourself isn't all that extra entertaining ... so ... yeh. path of least resistance. Also, I seem to remember chlorine really messing with the skin on my head. Itched a lot a few times.
Okay, they're sucky reasons. I'll go swimming again soonish.
Sunday, August 03, 2003
Well, looky who's back.
Yup. I am.
Blogger got itself a new updating interface. It's ... modern. I guess I like the style, even though I didn't there there was that much wrong with the previous style. Not that that has any impact on how the site looks like, so there aren't any changes to be noticed on this end.
Also messed with my template again a bit. Archives should be working on the blogger engine again, and also updated the commenting script, since YACCS asked to do that. But again, I don't think there's anything to be noticed by the readers. Maybe the YACCS button. I thought I'd be a nice guy and add it.
As for the bookcounter : I read through The Loop by Nicholas Evans, and Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen during my non-updating absence. They were nice. (Thanks Elise !)
Saturday, August 02, 2003
Last night, at home-home, I was 'alone'. Mom was out, siblings were in bed already. I felt like laying in the backyard and admire the stars for a while. ... Which I did. Turned off the lights inside, got in a lawn chair and just looked up. A clear sky, and even though a little bit of fog was forming, I could see a lot of stars.
Got company from one of our cats for a while, too.
I'm not entirely sure how long I sat outside there, but I figure it was somewhere 'round half an hour. Or maybe an entire hour. I don't know. But I do know I saw some shooting stars. Five of 'em, give or take one (Four 'certain', one 'probably' and one other 'uh ... maybe')
I thought about making some wishes, but didn't really know anything to actually wish for. Ofcourse, there's the "it would be nice if" ones, but ... there wasn't anything I could really put my heart behind. I mean, I suppose I could've wished for love, (Yes, of all the things that have changed during my blogging absense, my bachelor status hasn't.) but somehow it didn't really feel right. So instead, I sort-of wished Elise a nice vacation in Australia, and June good luck with the guy in the lift.
But maybe I should think of something to really wish for myself. But then again, I've known that for a long time. It's my "pointlessness" issue still. Oh well.
I also thought about 'choosing' a star. A 'star of my own'. Like in movies, you know. That one star that means a little bit more to you than all the others, the one you search for when casting your sight up towards the sky at night. But you know how I am with choices. Can never make 'em, so I didn't even try.
Anyway, sitting outside was nice.
Oh, and if you'd be so kind, just imagine for yourselves a page long, extremely sad and pathetic apology for not blogging for so long. I'm not in the mood myself.